With the advancement and increased use of technology in the healthcare industry, there is easier access to information for both providers and patients; however, this also increases the possibility of breaches of protected health information (PHI). Analyzing possible and identified breaches will help an organization create policies and procedures to address and avoid future breach issues. In this assessment, you will analyze reported health information breaches in two states and recommend best practices to address breach trends.
Visit the Breach Portal website on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights website, which lists breaches of unsecured protected health information that are under investigation.
Select 2 states to analyze and review the HITECH breaches that have occurred in both of the selected states within the last 2 years. (Use the Advanced Options feature on the page to filter for specific states.)
Write a 1,050-word analysis report. Address the following in your report:
1, Identify the states you chose for the analysis.
2. Explain the breach trends in each chosen state.
3. Analyze ways to address the breaches.
4. Recommend best practices for health care compliance and privacy programs. Provide specific examples of ways to prevent these breaches in an organization (e.g. compliance policy, communications, staff education).

Technology in the Healthcare Industry
Technology in the Healthcare Industry Citation Details
- Always start with the author(s), followed by the year in parenthesis, followed by the title, and then the doi or URL site information.
- If the article is from a website and does not have any specific author, use the agency, fully spelled out, as the author. For example, see below for a correction to reference on your list:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). United States cancer statistics: Incidence public information data. https://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/help/cancer-v2021.html
- For the title, no quotation marks are required, and it should be written sentence-style—meaning, only the first word and any proper nouns are capitalized.
- Italics should be used for the article if it is from a website. If the title is that of a book, it should also be italicized.
- The journal title should be fully spelled out and italicized with all major words capitalized, followed by the volume number, also italicized.
Please answer the way the question is asking from 1-4 and organize the paper that it is easy to follow. everything else is provided. no more instruction.