2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman; as a PDF. Below is the list of questions that I suggest. I do not expect you to discuss all of these questions for each reading (given the short length of the reflections). Be sure to also use the reflection as a space to reflect on the weeks’ readings as a whole. You may use quotes with APA citation, but do not simply summarize the texts. You may also use examples from your own research and lived experiences.
a) What is the context in which the scholar is writing? (biographical, research article, etc.)
b) What and who is the scholar in conversation with? (intellectual)
c) What is the thesis/main contribution of the article/chapter?
d) What does the reading’s theory/argument succeed in explaining?
e) What does the reading’s theory/argument miss?
f) I want to see more than a summary. What are your thoughts?