Briefly define the Scientific Method using the Lau and Chan text. Where have you made assumptions or drawn inferences on an important issue regardless of data or evidence to the contrary?

Using the concepts and ideas learned in Tutorials 1-9 in Lau and Chan (2017), write an essay in response to the following prompts.

  1. Briefly define the Scientific Method using the(Lau and Chan text).
  2. Where have you made assumptions or drawn inferences on an important issue regardless of data or evidence to the contrary?
  3. Analyze how you could improve your critical reasoning on this issue by using tools from the scientific method or statistical reasoning.
  4. Provide a peer-reviewed example to add further support to the reasoning on your issue.
Lau and Chan

Lau and Chan


  • Cite all claims and ideas using scholarly sources.
  • Your paper should be 4 pages in length (not including the title page and reference page).

Requirements: 4 pages

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The Lau and Chan method define the scientific method, which is as well-referred to as the “hypothetical-deductive method” to test a theory’s authenticity or hypothesis. The scientific method is not the only one that is used in the field of science to prove hypotheses and theories. The method involves a series of steps: identifying the hypothesis to be tested using the experiment is the first step of using the technique; Formulation of smart guesses with reference from the outlined hypothesis; administering the experimental process to confirm whether the stated smart predictions are correct; the next thing is finding whether the smart predictions correspond with the outlined hypotheses, if so, then the initial hypothesis is confirmed.