Take the Jung Typology Test at http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp . You will be given a Meyers-Briggs type profile at the end. What were your letters? Does the description of this type seem to “fit” what you know about yourself? Why or why not? What do you think about the value of this type of test?

Jung Typology Test

Jung Typology Test

Question 3

The world has changed quite a bit since Alfred Adler theorized about the “inferiority complex.” What are the issues today that lead children to have an inferiority complex? In other words, what challenges do children face that make them feel that others are always better than them? Is there a role for culture and/or ethnicity in the inferiority complex? What is the relationship between an inferiority complex and self-esteem?

Question 4

Think about Horney’s concept of “tyranny of the shoulds.” Are there any things that you (or someone you know) do because you think you “should” do them, not because you want or need to? Why do you do them? What is the value in doing things we “should” rather than doing things we want?

Question 5

Think about which of Erikson’s life stages you are in right now. First, do you agree with Erikson about the tasks that you must master in this stage (which “basic strength” you must build at this stage)? Second, are there things in your life that are interfering with the resolution of the crisis at your stage or, conversely, helping you resolve the crisis?

Question 6

Is criminality a trait or a learned behavior? For example, can being in prison create a “criminal personality”? In other words, if you were put in prison but had not committed a crime, could you emerge from prison with a personality with a tendency toward criminality? How would a trait theorist answer this question? How would Allport answer this question, and how would his answer differ from other trait theorists you have read about?

Question 7

Think of someone you recently met for the first time. Do we “automatically” classify people using the Big Five personality dimensions? In other words, do you instictively notice how extraverted or conscientious a person is?Try classifying the person you recently met using the Big Five personality dimensions. Was it easy or hard to do? Was it useful to you in determining whether you wanted to keep interacting with this person?

Question 8

Humanistic psychology is described in your book in very glowing terms–as “emphasizing human strengths and aspirations, conscious free will, and the fulfillment of our potential.” Who could not like the sound of that? Why, then, isn’t all psychology humanistic (or is it)? What do psychosexual theory, analytic psychology, trait theory, behaviorism, etc. have that can top this?

Question 9

Look carefully at Rogers’ concept of a “fully functioning person.” Is it possible for every person to become fully functional? Are there types of people for whom it is impossible to become fully functional? Is every parent capable of providing the environment to nurture these traits in their children?

Question 10

Read about Kelly’s “fixed role therapy” (either in the book or online). How is this type of therapy supposed to help you? In other words, if you go through this type of therapy, how is it supposed to change your personality? Would you want to get this type of therapy? Why or why not?

Question 11

Punishment is frequently used as a form of parenting. Another form of parenting could be the use of positive reinforcement. Discuss which of these forms of parenting would have the greatest immediate and long-term positive and/or negative effect on the child.

Question 12

Look at the descriptions of high sensation seekers in your book. They look like they would be fun to have at a party. However, what are the down-sides to high sensation seeking? In other words, in what areas of life might these people encounter problems because of their high sensation-seeking and how serious could these problems be? On the other hand, when and where is high sensation-seeking a benefit to the person and/or to society? (You can also discuss low sensation seeking–when is it beneficial and when is it detremental?)

Requirements: 400 words per topic   |   .doc file