Develop your three summaries on Demonstrating Academic Integrity before submitting to the Turnitin Drafts page using The Surprising Benefits of WorkLife Support article.

  • For your first summary, select one of the articles included in the Learning Resources on the topic of work-life balance.
    • Apply the principles of scholarly writing to summarize the article you selected. Include at least onein-text citation and the reference for the article. Your summary should be approximately 150 words.
  • For your second summary, review the journal article summary you included in your initial Discussion posting.
    • You may edit or revise your writing based on insights you gained through reading your colleagues’ summaries or reviewing the Learning Resources. For this Assignment, include only your approximately 150-word article summary (i.e., do not include the explanation of how the information in the article can be applied, which you wrote for the Discussion). Include at least one in-text citation and the reference for the article.
  • For your third summary, review the Analyzing Turnitin Reports to Guide Revision – Links to an external site. resource, below which identifies acceptable and unacceptable writing examples based on Turnitin evaluation.
      • Consider the reasons for matches and consider how issues that are identified can be resolved.
      • Consider which entries include sources that are not appropriately credited and examples where originality could be enhanced through paraphrasing.
      • Based on these considerations, summarize at least two key insights you gained from reviewing this document. Your summary should be approximately 150 words
    The Surprising Benefits of Work/Life Supportby Alexandra Kalev and Frank Dobbin

    The Surprising Benefits of Work/Life Support – Alexandra Kalev and Frank Dobbin

    The Surprising Benefits of WorkLife Support Instructions

  • To ensure 100% plagiarism-free content, every assignment is carefully written by professional subject experts. All our assignments are therefore well-researched and unique. We guarantee human-written solutions—no AI.
  • Submit your Assignment in one document, include the following four paragraphs:
    • A one-paragraph summary of the article you selected from the Learning Resources
    • A one-paragraph summary of the article you located using the Walden Library, using in-text citations as appropriate
    • A one-paragraph summary of at least two key insights you gained from reviewing the Acceptable and Unacceptable Scholarly Writing Examples document
    • A one-paragraph explanation of how you used Turnitin to review and improve your summaries and an analysis of how the practices addressed in this module exemplify the core values of academic integrity. This description should include a brief explanation of how the draft Turnitin assignment link was used.The article I chose to discuss focuses on the difficulties of work-life balance as a nurse with navigating family, job satisfaction, and health. Being a nurse I understand first hand how difficult it can be to establish true work-life balance. As stated in the article, extreme work pressure caused nurses to struggle to balance their roles in their families and their jobs, which decreased their commitment to their jobs and the company and increased their intention to leave for better working conditions or to quit the field entirely. Given that many societies prioritize family, it is critical to investigate and comprehend the consequences of a poor work-family balance.The existing literature underreports the connection between work-family conflict and health and job satisfaction. A number of financial, social, and quality-of-care problems are brought on by low job satisfaction and a rise in sick leave, which affects the overall operation of the business. This article speaks volume and I can definitely relate, because I am a wife, mom, full-time nurse and in grad student. This decision to go back to school has been extremely difficult and with the current demand at work this week I have had the hardest time keeping up with life and maintaining my balance. I am currently searching for a new position that will allow better balance for school and at home. Matarsat, H. M. H., Rahman, H. A., & Abdul-Mumin, K. (2021). Work-family conflict, health status and job satisfaction among nurses. British Journal of Nursing30(1), 54–58.