This two-part project will allow you to personally engage with a learning community where learners with disabilities can be observed and then reflect on those experiences. Observation is
an important resource that helps educators understand students’ experiences in context and how the learning environment can be improved or changed to suit learners’ needs.

For this project, you must observe at least two different students with disabilities for a combined total of 10 observation hours. If you are employed in a school system, you can complete your
observation in the school where you work; ensure you observe students with disabilities who are not students of your own. Observations can also occur in any community setting with students
(ages 3-21) with disabilities. A community setting could be a church, daycare, YMCA, community center, youth facility, group home, or even a personal residence where you can
observe students while engaging in that community. Consider that there are families of foster children with various backgrounds who may need help with tutoring or households
that homeschool. Observation hours must be completed in time for you to submit the final assignment for this project in Module 8: Week 8.

Note: it is understood that special circumstances may prevent a candidate from completing observation hours. If this applies to you, an alternative case study assignment is available. If you
need to complete the alternative case study assignment to satisfy the requirements for this project, you will indicate that need in the Community Engagement Project: Part 1 – Plan


Community Engagement Project: Part 1 – Plan Assignment

You will submit your project plan for this assignment by completing the provided Community Engagement Project: Part 1 – Plan Template. There are two charts in the template document –
one for candidates completing observation hours and one for candidates with special circumstances that will not allow them to complete observation hours. Complete only the chart
that applies to you. It is highly recommended you read the expectations below for the second part of this project before submitting this assignment with your project plan.

For candidates completing observation hours, coordinate with the location and person supervising or overseeing your observation time when you are to observe and what your role will
be (e.g., teacher helper, recess monitor, etc.).

For candidates who need to complete the alternative case study assignment to satisfy the requirements for this project, review the expectations below for the Community Engagement
Project: Part 2 – Case Study Assignment and complete prompts in the applicable chart in the Community Engagement Project: Part 1 – Plan Template.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Requirements: 1 page