Exam 3 (our Final Exam) will account for 100 points of your final score for our course. The exam is two parts:1) 35-40 Multiple-Choice
The Multiple-Choice section of Exam 3:
- Will be taken in-class on Wednesday, December 13, from 4:00-5:30pm.
- It will draw on the subject matter of all material and lectures from Modules #5 & #6 and all of our corresponding readings.
Your answer to the Essay Question will be prepared in advance, and will be submitted prior to 4:00pm, Wednesday, December 13, as a typed response (word or pdf document; ~500 words) on Canvas via Turnitin.
- You may submit your essay response as early as 8:00am, Monday, Dec. 11, and must submit it by 4:00pm, Wednesday, December 13. Canvas will not allow you to submit after this deadline.
- The Essay portion of exam 3 will draw on the subject matter of all course material to date & all corresponding readings. NOTE: You do not need to review the entire course! If you need to refresh yourself on anything from earlier in the course to write your Exam 3 essay response, you have the question in advance. In other words, read the questions and then go refresh yourself on anything you may need to write your essay.
- While I will select only one of the four essay questions listed below for you to answer on the exam, preparing for all of the questions will help prepare you for the multiple-choice as well. Read each question carefully.
- The Essay Question you will write a response to is #1 (below, in bold face type).
- Use the preparation time to organize & prepare your answer to the question in advance of the exam.
- You should write a concise, yet detailed essay with a clear argument based on our course material. Support your arguments and the points you make with specific examples and details from our course material.
- Do NOT write an essay that simply strings together a list of loosely-related facts and observations.
- DO NOT draw on external sources outside of our course material to write your response. Use our course material. If you draw on outside sources to answer the essay question, which is designed to assess your understanding of our class material, you will receive a 0 on the essay.
- Use your own words (i.e. do not plagiarize) and do NOT rely on direct quotes. Put your arguments into your own words. Otherwise it will be considered plagiarism.
- Note that Turnitin on Canvas automatically checks for plagiarism (from other student papers and all other internet sources).
- Do not plagiarize – it is never worth it.
- Students that plagiarize will receive a 0 for the entire exam, an F for our entire course, and be reported to SDSU’s Judicial coordinator for further action. Just don’t do it.
1. Earlier in the course we discussed two approaches in anthropology: the interpretive approach and materialist approach. Considering these two approaches, to what degree is the concept of the ‘default framing for sustainability’ (i.e. the individualization of responsibility for environmental problems) an interpretive or materialist approach to studying sustainability? In your answer, make sure to expand on at least three examples from the course to illustrate the ‘default framing’ and its relationship to sustainability.
Again: Use the preparation time to organize your answer. You should write an essay with a clear argument based on our class material. Do not write an essay that simply strings together a list of loosely-related facts and observations. Illustrate it concisely and appropriately.
Good Luck!
Requirements: Minimum 500. Somewhere near that | .doc file