Make a complete Prevention Plan for the case study patient provided to you based on the information you are given in the case study by focusing on the A & B USPSTF recommendations and ACIP Adult Immunizations. For more information and analysis of medical and healthcare case studies, hire our professional tutors.
- Focus on the A & B USPSTF recommendations and ACIP Adult Immunizations. However, also be aware of any special risks the patient may have that need to be considered that might not routinely be listed in the A & B recommendations or even in the USPSTF. Be sure to review the mini case study provided to you as a guide.
- Please put the Screening, Counseling, and Prevention meds/Immunizations interventions in the table provided for this assignment—-you must use the table.
- After listing the recommended intervention, in that same cell of the table, list your rationale for why the patient needs the service. For example, a service may be age recommended for this case study patient or the patient may be a 20 pack year smoker.
- It is required that you also identify HOW you will do the screening–e.g., which lab test or specific screening tool. Do not just say depression screen–list a tool. Do not just say diabetes screen–list the specific labs.
- You will upload the assignment when completed. At the end of the table, be sure to include the authoritative source that supports what you recommend as a reference (e.g., A or B recommendation USPSTF or ACIP-CDC or any other)
- Develop and include a timed/staged Prevention Plan to address the Prevention Plan you developed in #1. Be sure to indicate the time frame you would consider for your interventions (e.g., this visit, next visit (when), by 1 month, by 6 months, and by 1 year). You need to list the specific intervention in the time frame. This will be variable; you do not have to use the suggested time points we have listed. Cite your brief rationale for your staging of the interventions.
Requirements: 2 pages on ACIP Adult Immunizations.