Sequence7: “The Post War Years Are No Longer”: Economic Miracle and the Japanese New Wave in the Late 1950s-60sFilm: Giants and Toys(Kyojin to gangu, Masumura Yasuzo, 1958) Reading: Michael Raine, “Modernization without Modernity: Masumura Yasuzo’s Giants and Toys(1958), in Japanese Cinema: Texts and Contexts, eds., Alastair Phillips and Julian Stringer (London: Routledge, 2007), 152-167.…

The Post War Years Are No Longer

The Post War Years Are No Longer

For this or any other assignment, talk to us and our tutors will be there to help you.

Pick one scene that impressed you most from the film assigned for the week. Explain how and why that particular scene is impressive to you. Refer to the assigned reading of the week and think about how your argument is related to it. Include the image(s) from the scene in your journal. The expression of your paper needs to be clear (correct grammar; clear meanings of words). Your argument needs to have a structure (introduction, explanation, conclusion).

In addition, separately from your argument on a scene, write down the keyword from the lecture, which the instructor gives, in your response paper. Also, briefly explain the reason why that is the keyword of the sequence in one sentence.(“The keyword is XXX because ….”) The reason should be clear by the lecture. You do not need to repeat exactly what the instructor says. Use your own words to explain.

Grading criteria is as follows (10 points total):

On-time submission = 1 point

Length (300-400 words) = 1 point

Pick one scene = 1 point

Originality (your own idea about why and how the scene is impressive) = 1 point

Reference to assigned reading = 1 point


Clarity of expression (appropriate grammar; clear meanings of words) = 1points

Coherent structure of argument(no bullet point or itemization) = 1 point

Keyword = 1 point, the key word is REBEL, please explain the meaning of it.

Explanation of the keyword = 1 point

THE READING IS IN THE FILE if you could not open the link, PLZ CHECK THAT, chapter 11 I think

please read the instructions carefully, make sure choose the keyword rebel and the reading is in the file, or you can use the link