After viewing Christian philosopher James K.A. Smith’s sermon above and reading the first chapter of his book, You Are What You Love (PDF),Need a minimum of 250 words of personal reflection. answer the two or three questions below with a minimum of 250 words.


After viewing Christian philosopher James K.A. Smith’s sermon above and reading the first chapter of his book, You Are What You Love (PDF),

Download You Are What You Love (PDF),

what do you think? Are there habits and practices that we acquire without knowing it? Are there ritual forces in our culture that we perhaps naively immerse ourselves in — and are thus formed by —that, when we consider them more closely, are pointed at some ultimate end? Are there mundane routines that we participate in that if we are attentive, function as thick practices aimed at a particular vision of the good life?

To get at this requires quite a bit of patient reflection and analysis, both introspective. Take some time this week to engage in a self-inventory — practices audit.* Use the following prompts for reflection. Think through each question below. Then, share your insights and discoveries in writing on at least two or three questions. Keep in mind this reflection is not for your instructor. I am not here to judge you or evaluate your “loves.” I want to see that you have given thought and intention to the reflection.

  • What are some of the most significant habits and practices that really shape your actions and attitude — what you think and do?
  • What does your time look like? What practices are you regularly immersed in each week? How much time is spent doing different sorts of activities?
  • What do you think are the most important ritual forces in your life? And if you were honest with yourself, are these positive (forming you into the kind of person who embodies the kingdom of God) or negative (forming you into someone whose values and desires are antithetical to that kingdom, oriented toward another kingdom)?
  • What do you think are some of the most potent practices in our Culture? Or what are the cultural forces that you don’t want your children or future children to be shaped by? What are the ritual forces that you do want to shape their desires? And why on both counts?
  • If you step back and reflect on them, are there some habits and practices that you might have originally thought were neutral or thin, but upon further reflection, you see them as thicker and more significant? See the note below if you would like to better understand thin vs. thick habits.
  • ls there any way you see worship as a thick habit? How so? How not? If Christian worship is a thick practice, what are its most significant “competitors”?

Requirements: need a min of 250 words