I am currently involved in a small group. I feel that my role in this group is that of social-emotional leadership. Social-emotional leaders tend to perform a variety of maintenance roles and are well-liked by the team members which I believe fit the description. I am someone that tends to analyze the group dynamics and climate and then initiate the appropriate behavior to keep the group in a positive climate, as described in the text.
I impacted the group work as expected by my peers by initiating the group communication so that we may gather and begin working. I like to keep a friendly and positive tone so that everyone feels comfortable enough to express any concerns or ideas. Just as it is described in the video at 6:34, “…give them the opportunity to try and fail, all so that they could achieve more than we could imagine for ourselves.” I helped my team members find what role they could take within the group and wanted to make sure everyone felt like they could agree on something before we went on with it. It is also stated in the video at 4:53, “…it’s the leader that sets the tone. When a leader makes the choice to put the safety and lives of the people inside the organization first, to sacrifice their comforts and sacrifice the tangible results, so that the people remain and feel safe and feel like they belong, remarkable things happen.”
A way I could have improved the groups work is by learning more about leadership behaviors as stated in the text, rather than traits or situations. Then sharing that knowledge with my group so that they may also learn about leadership behaviors which will help them gain more skills and experience, to improve the overall production of the group work.
Jones, Richard. Communication in the Real World. FlatWorld. Oct. 2017
14.1 Leadership and Small Group Communication
14.2 Group Member Roles
Sinek, Simon. “Why good leaders make you feel safe.” TED, Mar. 2014
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Discussion # 2
Different groups
As I get older I hate the idea of being in a group, group project with more then four people is hard to manage social-emotional leadership. Every time I get into a group I would be the person who do my assignment early and tell someone else to be the leader and put all the assignments together. Most of my group project are always successful but we did have a little communication issue or someone getting lost with what work, but we all slowed down, broke everything down for everyone all over again and everything went on smooth. In the article section 14.1 the first picture states “a great leader is A group leader may be formally designated by someone inside or outside the group or may emerge naturally during early group meetings.” All of this a great leadership mentality and I do not have none of these, so I never took responsibility in being a group leader, only directed others. Also in the ted talk video https://www.ted.com/
Works Cited
Richard G. Jones Jr.. Communication in the Real World. FlatWorld, 2017
Sinek, Simon. “Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe.” TED, March 2014, www.ted.com/talks/simon_